Undertaking a new career path can be a strenuous task dependent upon how you handle it. One of the most troublesome aspects is when one is drawn to listen to the advise of others to dictate your path.
Friends and family will always know better and will tell you how best to do it, or why you shouldn’t pursue with your goal to change career.
One must not fall into the trap of looking outside for the answer, we all know our burning desires, which we must use to propel our energies into whatever we want to accomplish.
It is at these times, you need to remain strong and focused to achieve your goal. It’s easy to listen to others and let them dictate your path, this is your life and career, take it under your control and make the life you want a reality.
Granted, things don’t always work out how we want them to, there are always obstacles that have to be met, the thing though is to keep going, the greatest risk is to not. You don’t want to be constantly wondering, “what if…”
Be strong if a career change is what you want pursue it.
A quote I find most inspirational is that by Erica Jong, which sums up the detail within this blog, she said,
“Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.”
Take some time to digest this final quote,
“Doubt whom you will, but never yourself.”
Christine Bovee
This link could also help you, visualising your career it ties in well with this article.
If you would like more help on this matter, contact me, I am more than happy to discuss this further.
Related articles
- Tip 1: Know What You Want (leadingfortransformation.com)
- How to Take up an Entirely New Career Path (italianenglishblog.wordpress.com)
- What interests attract you to a career? (changeit24.co.uk)
- The New Rules for Getting Ahead at Work (money.usnews.com)
- Sales and Marketing Careers in the Tech Sector (pro2sell.com)
- What’s Your Career Fear? (lyjnow.wordpress.com)
- Is it time to follow your heart? (smartopportunities4women.wordpress.com)
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