During the career change process, be it to a new career or the change of job, one question that should arise in one form or another, is what skills do I possess that I can utilise elsewhere?
The official phrase that we discuss here, is commonly termed as transferable skills. Transferable skills are the skills you’ve acquired throughout your professional career thus far, that you can use in the next job or career you wish to pursue. You should not limit yourself to just your professional career, your skills are far reaching. Look at your personal interests, hobbies or other life experiences that can be used for the change of career, or new job.
A key thing which is worth highlighting is illustrating the passion you have for a particular area, which illustrates your motivation, employers like this.
To identify these transferable skills, look at the jobs that you have held and break down the things that you actually did, it is common place that you do more than what is on your job description.
In your social life, have you held any posts that illustrate your responsibility skills, have you had to lead a team, have your communication skills been drawn upon? Can you see what we are trying to do here?
Once you are clear on the career path you want to pursue, you need to be in the position to project your transferable skills you possess for the role that you require.
Note all of your transferable skills down at first, and where applicable, group them under headings. I advise things like, communication, leadership, responsibility, ownership, planning and marketing. There are many more I am sure, which you will find suitable to your cause. Once you have identified your skills, you can then consider the career transition you want to fulfil.
Give the transferable skills breakdown a good go, it will be worth it. You are worth investing in you, surely?
If you wish to discuss this with me or any other area you are interested on the blog site, don’t hesitate to contact me for an informal chat…
I leave you with this:
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Vincent van Gogh
Related articles
- Transferable Skills-Your Tool Box (globalskillsforlifeandwork.com)
- How can I change my career? (career-advice.monster.co.uk)
- Freshman Friday: What Employers Want (careercenter.dsa.umich.edu)
- Life skills and employability (lifeskillsguru.wordpress.com)