Whilst you are on this journey of a career change, see it as an adventure, you will enjoy it more – guaranteed. When you were a child, you are always intrigued by the unknown, bring that mindset back and this will help you, use it to facilitate the accomplishment of the next milestone and moving onto the next one.
It is also vitally important, even though you may treat your career transition as an adventure, do not overlook the tasks that you have to undertake and get finished. This is especially relevant with small tasks, they can easily be forgotten. It is these small tasks that can put you in a situation if you do not keep on top of them; this is why it is also important to step back and reflect on where your career transition is now, to ensure the adventure keeps on track.
It is beneficial to ensure that the things you have set out to achieve for your career transition are actually bearing fruit. Take some time out to assess what is actually going on, so that you can try to foresee any potential considerations for the future, or understand what you have learnt along the way, remember this is an adventure and you are learning about yourself, don’t forget that. You may well be trying to change your career, however, this will throw questions about you as a person about what you do and don’t like and what methods of interaction are more akin to you. This all helps you to reposition your plan if need be and there is nothing wrong with that. Businesses reposition, or change their stance all of the time, why can’t you? If you are facing a challenge with a particular tactic, when you review it, you will perceive it in a different way and your original perception of it will be replaced for something fresh. You do not need to do this alone either, ask trusted, positive people for their support, this always helps. At times we don’t always have the answers, be open to other people’s suggestions; it can give you a multitude of ways of handling the problem. It could be the difference of you presenting your CV correctly and getting the interview, or understanding how an industry works so that you put the right messages across to actually get the role you are after.
Despite this being an adventure, the word adventure can conjure up thoughts of fun, it is meant to be enjoyed, at the same time this is serious business. Whilst in the process undertaking the change of your career, you will find it is not always free-flowing and fun. One needs to apply themselves and keep a serious focus where needed. Keep living your dream; it is an adventure after all…..
If you need to discuss any of this further, please don’t hesitate to contact me...
I look forward to hearing from you.
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