Tag Archives: Business
What interests attract you to a career?
Make it your responsibility to seek and find what you are good at? Go for it, devote yourself to finding that thing for your career that will touch the majority of your buttons.
Where is your career going?
Have you questioned lately where your career is going? The trend of staying with the same organisation for life is not as prominent a strategy as it was previously.
Changing Career Path requires mental strength.
When others want to change their career path, we are full of support for their cause; put the situation on the other foot and the decision process becomes one of the toughest.
Changing your Career Plans….
When you need to change your career plans, unless it is absolutely crucial, try not to make a quick and hasty decisions. You must not fail to remember that it has taken you time to cultivate this position; it will … Continue reading
Be Positive about you Career Change
If you keep a positive mode of thought throughout your career change process, when difficulties arise, it allows you to draw on your strengths aiding your motivation for the cause.
Getting your Career Change Plan Together.
In anything we wish to accomplish it is important that you have a plan, developing a career change plan or a new job is no different.
Belive in your Career Change.
In order to succeed at anything you need to appreciate the potential that you have, a career change is no different.
A new Career Path Building Knowlege and Skills.
If you have decided that you wish to undertake a new career path, this will be a journey of self discovery and it will be an experience.
Career Path: Understand your Core Values.
The identification of your core values, is a useful guide, some would say an imperative one in all that you do. These values can help you to understand what things are important to you and how they affect your working … Continue reading
Transferable skills for a career change.
During the career change process, be it to a new career or the change of job, one question that should arise in one form or another, is what skills do I possess that I can utilise elsewhere?